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The next button will provide a list of books and articles which have helped me in my research:
To read about Johnny’s life and awards, press either of the following buttons:
To learn more about his principal co-stars, press the following button:
These buttons will take you to pages where you can learn about his work at MGM, RKO, Columbia and Screen Gems.
To compare the two Tarzan Yells, click the following button:
For a glimpse into the various location sites used to produce the Tarzan and Jungle Jim films, press this button:
Press here to get some information on the animal actors that livened up Johnny's films.
The next button will provide you with a list of Johnny’s films that have been made available to the Home Video market.
This very important button will take you to a list of Johnny’s feature films. Each title will be a link to a page providing details and a commentary of the film in question, as well as information on selected members of the supporting cast.
To read what the censors had to say about Weissmuller's jungle films, connect with this button:
The next button takes you to a catalogue of film credits for actors who appeared in one or more of Johnny's films.
To learn about the background music used to add emotional impact to Johnny's films, press these buttons:
Click here to see how some of the poster material was created
This button will take you to a page with a poster from each of Johnny's films
A new section on some of Johnny's trailers
Press here for information on films being currently aired on cable television:
To see some related sites, press the links button:
If you are interested in details about the Bomba series or the Jungle Jim serial, press here:
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